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P/O. John Ellacombe 'Covering the Bobby' 24/8/1940

During the Battle of Britain, when P/O. John Ellacombe brought this enemy aircraft down, he watched a unusual scene unfold below him...
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Trainspotting- The Atlantic Coast Express

Two boys in a favourite spot watch this marvellous Merchant Navy Loco pass by, but is this the Atlantic Coast Express?
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A Merchant Navy Loco and a Table Tennis Table!?

It’s occurred to me that sometimes the story behind a painting can be a fun thing to share,
and I thought this one had a rather nice tale behind it...
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and I thought this one had a rather nice tale behind it...
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Paddy Finucane

On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, it seems an appropriate moment to put up my painting of Paddy Finucane entitled 'First Day in Combat'.
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A Tribute to Thomas Hennell

It is strange how my path seems to keep crossing and re-crossing that of the mid 20th Century artist and writer, Thomas Hennell.
His work has provided me with much information, inspiration and encouragement and so it seemed only right to show my appreciation and celebrate his memory.
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His work has provided me with much information, inspiration and encouragement and so it seemed only right to show my appreciation and celebrate his memory.
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The Battle of Medenine

On the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Medenine, my father and I commemorate the battle, in tribute to the heroic defenders who fought that day.
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Welsh Guardsman and the Gwili Railway

How the delightful spectacle of this Austerity tank engine, led to me discovering a curious link with a lost railway line that I stumbled across years before....
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The Deserted Village

How Oliver Goldsmith's poem 'The Deserted Village' inspired a painting, many years ago, and why his words and the image formed in my mind from them still dwell with me today.
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A Figure From the Past in the Landscape

Can landscape art mediate a link between us and figures from the past, defying the passage of time in a place?
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A Commemoration of F/Lt. D.G. Gribble

A Reflection on the life of Battle of Britain pilot F/Lt. Dorian George Gribble DFC, 54 Squadron, and the story of how I came to paint his Spitfire.
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Lord Collingwood and the 'Lord Nelsons'

A little tribute to Locomotive 30862 ‘Lord Collingwood’ and the Lords Nelson class of engines, on the anniversary of its retirement from service.
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A Steam Engine Departs

Watching the departure of the majestic ‘Royal Scot’ loco, provokes a visceral description of the experience and reverie on the meaning these giants of steam hold for us.
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The Last Enemy

Battle of Britain pilot Richard Hillary's book "The Last Enemy" provides me with much needed insight and inspiration, at a moment where the world once again faces the the crisis of war.
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Observer Corps Post 1940

The Role of the Observer Corps (later Royal Observer Corps) in the Battle of Britain
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A Change of Perspective

How seeing the same things around us from a different angle for a moment, might help us gain a little sense of escape from the day to day difficulties that surround us.
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Why Should the Open Field System Matter to Us?

The open field system represented a way of life that allowed our recent forbears to live a balanced life, albeit a hard working one, in touch with the land. It gave them the means to provide their own dignity and a degree of independence. I came to see how much more ubiquitous it was than I had once thought, and how its presence and loss through enclosure was a great tragedy that is still really relevant today.
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The Memory of Experience

Why is it so hard to access the feeling of the original experience when we revisit a memory or event in our mind?
How is the brain processing to the memory the complex beauty that is all around us?
I think that certain kinds of art can sometimes link us back to this ‘lost’ emotional sense, the artist’s treatment of detail providing a key to replicating the mind’s experience of the original moment.
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How is the brain processing to the memory the complex beauty that is all around us?
I think that certain kinds of art can sometimes link us back to this ‘lost’ emotional sense, the artist’s treatment of detail providing a key to replicating the mind’s experience of the original moment.
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