Trainspotting- The Atlantic Coast Express

Two boys in a favourite spot watch this marvellous Merchant Navy Loco pass by, but is this the Atlantic Coast Express?
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A Merchant Navy Loco and a Table Tennis Table!?

It’s occurred to me that sometimes the story behind a painting can be a fun thing to share,
and I thought this one had a rather nice tale behind it...
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and I thought this one had a rather nice tale behind it...
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Welsh Guardsman and the Gwili Railway

How the delightful spectacle of this Austerity tank engine, led to me discovering a curious link with a lost railway line that I stumbled across years before....
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Lord Collingwood and the 'Lord Nelsons'
A little tribute to Locomotive 30862 ‘Lord Collingwood’ and the Lords Nelson class of engines, on the anniversary of its retirement from service.
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A Steam Engine Departs

Watching the departure of the majestic ‘Royal Scot’ loco, provokes a visceral description of the experience and reverie on the meaning these giants of steam hold for us.
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